about the orange order


The basis of the modern Orange Order of the United States of America is the promotion and propagation of “Biblical Protestantism” and the principles of the Reformation as well as to provide a platform for Christian fraternalism.

Orange Order USA is a fraternity of Protestant men dedicated to God and Country, that carry a namesake in honor of the memory of William of Orange. As a fraternity, we aim to practice the precepts of our professed faith, to relieve those who are in distress, to help the widow and the fatherless, and to encourage virtue, industry, frugality and patriotism.


Belief in God

We believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; in Jesus Christ, His Son, our only Mediator; in the Holy Spirt, the Comforter; and in the Bible, His revealed will.

Religious Liberty

We are a protestant Christian organization that cherishes the memories of noble men of every age and country, who have contributed to establish civil and religious freedom for the people. Among those special to honor, we place Wycliffe, Knox, Luther, Calvin, Melanchthon, and William of Orange, President of the Dutch Republic as heroes in the same cause.


We believe in the right of individual freedom, the right of the people to peaceably assemble, freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms.

The Reformation

Preserving the principles, history and memory of the Reformers, martyrs, and heroes of the Protestant faith.


Our brotherhood is as broad as humanity and extends to most countries of the world in some form. The Constitution of the United States may be regarded as the epitome of what we hold and teach.

Defense of the Faith

To propagate and defend these principles, we are united by a solemn covenant of friendship and fraternal fidelity. We are a brotherhood whose bond of union is “Justice, Truth, and Righteousness”.

Fourth Commandment

The Orange Order considers the Fourth Commandment to forbid Christians to work or engage in non-religious activity, generally, on Sundays to be important.

Allegiance to the Civil Government

Right of Private Judgment


Study Holy Scripture

in order to understand the Christian Faith and demonstrate its relevance for today’s society.

Engage in Christian and Charitable Outreach

in order to demonstrate their personal faith Jesus Christ, their commitment to regular Christian Worship and all aspects of charitable living.

Increase Knowledge of the Reformed Faith

in order to extend its influence and development throughout the world.

Continue and Further Develop Social and Responsible Citizenship

in order to maintain and enhance greater and higher standards of Justice, Truth, Honesty, and Integrity in both private and public life.


  • Male
  • Mainline Protestant, i.e. Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, etc.
  • Born in wedlock to Protestant parents *
  • Married to a Protestant **
  • Embraces Reformed Theology and Principles
  • Sincere love and veneration for the Almighty Maker.
  • Convinced that Jesus Christ is the only mediator between the Creator and His creation.
  • Possessing a reliance upon the power and grace of the Holy Spirit.
  • He should be an enemy to brutality and every species of un-Christian conduct.
  • Faithfully regard the Protestant Religion and be sincerely desirous of propagating its precepts.
  • A lover and defender of the United States of America, being careful to suppress all anti-Christian encroachments and invasions.
  • He should have a hatred of cursing and swearing, and of the profane use of God’s holy name.
  • Prudence and loyalty should guide all his actions; temperance, charity, and honesty direct his conduct.
  • He should shun the company of all men which are in opposition to the divine teachings of the Bible, and the good government of The Orange Institution.

* certain exceptions can be made for converts, but are not typical
** exceptions are made for the unwed


Do Orangeman take an Oath?

Yes, Orangemen take a sworn oath to defend the Protestant faith and maintain the principles of the Order.

Do Orangemen use rituals for initiation?

Yes, the ritual of the Orange Degree is based on the history of the Army of Gideon found in the Book of Judges.

During a typical Orange meeting we read the Scriptures, pray for the influence of Christ in the world, honor the reformers, and conduct the sundry business of the lodge. This is in no way meant to replace or supplant the local church, but rather to act as an arm of it.

Are there secrets?

The only “secrets” of the Orange Order are the modes of identification used between the brethren to verify membership.

Isn’t the Orange Order just ‘Freemasonry in disguise’?

False! Though certain founders of the order were known freemasons, our institution was not founded on Freemason precepts. The Orange Order holds no allegiances to any body of membership; we are a wholly independent institution with a specific purpose.

Furthermore, the Orange Order does not believe in, teach, allude too, lay claim to hold, or condone any esoteric knowledge. Every aspect of our institution is firmly grounded in the Scriptures.

Isn’t the Orange Order a militant organization?

False! The order is founded upon peaceful unity and has no official ties with militant groups commonly associated with ‘the troubles’ of Northern Ireland.